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See the power of video in action.

Covideo is the easiest way to record, send, and track personalized video emails through your favorite channels so you can stay connected, anywhere.

Send Videos Via Email, Text, or Social

If you had to make a list of some of the most important tech-based advancements to come along in the last ten years, video would undoubtedly be right at the top.

Gone are the days when marketing videos for business customers were something that only the wealthiest organizations could afford. Most modern day smartphones can already shoot professional quality, 4K resolution video with high quality sound as well. Because of that, there’s always a reason to create a video marketing strategy for your business – it doesn’t matter whether you’re focused on sales or marketing or both at the same time.

A lot of companies think that video is the future of video marketing strategies, and with good reason – but it’s equally important to note that the power of a digital video strategy goes far beyond marketing itself. A company video strategy can and should expand across all departments within your organization.

Request a demo to see how you can add Covideo to your video strategy. Just takes one click!



Any customer facing representative will benefit from adding video messages to their communication process, for example, because it’s a far more personal experience than they can get through other means. A standard text-based email is cold, impersonal and unfortunately easy to ignore. But thanks to the right video production strategy, you can add digital video to those messages to let people hear the tone in your voice when you deliver a message or see the look in your eye when you talk about the value you’re going to bring to their lives.

Sales professionals can easily benefit from a digital video strategy in their prospecting efforts. Support representatives and account managers can use video emails to introduce themselves and teach their clients about their company’s services or products.

These are all major benefits of a video marketing strategy 2020 that you’d be hard-pressed to get through other means – which is why this is absolutely the right move to make for your company. Thankfully, creating a video marketing strategy is a lot easier than you might be assuming. You just have to keep a few key things in mind along the way.


Types of Video Messages

As you begin to build your video content marketing strategy, you’ll soon come to realize that there are no shortage of potential types of videos to choose from depending on your needs. Begin by outlining some of the goals you want your campaign to accomplish and then make a list of the types of video media and types of video styles that fit in with the larger focus of your brand. Use this video marketing PDF to match up a goal with the best and most relevant style that you can use to accomplish it. Distribute this video marketing proposal PDF to everyone in your organization so that they better understand the types of videos for businesses and what benefits each one brings to the table.

Along the way, you’ll definitely want to employ a video emailing platform like Covideo to distribute your content in the most effective way possible. Covideo lets users record, share and even track their video emails – all from a simple and easy-to-use screen. It also seamlessly integrates into not only CRMs but also Gmail, Outlook, iPhones and even Android devices.

With Covideo, you can send polished marketing videos or even just one off introduction videos directly from your phone in a matter of seconds. Prospecting videos, for example, are a great way to introduce yourself in around 30 seconds so that your customers can finally put a name to a face. Another one of the most popular types of videos for social media in particular comes down to product demonstrations. Let someone see how easy (and fun) your product is to use in a way that is more engaging and more personalized than ever before. You could even use Covideo alongside your YouTube strategy template to help reach a larger audience through that channel, too.

If you’re interested in exploring more of these types of video styles but aren’t sure where to begin, don’t worry – you can sign up for your free, no obligation trial of Covideo and get started right away.

Record your first video in minutes.

Boost results instantly.

Start a free trial

sending a video email

Add Covideo to Your Company Video Strategy

All told, Covideo is a solution designed to make it easy for people to learn how to do video marketing through software – even if you don’t consider yourself a “techie” and especially if you don’t have any previous experience with a similar type of solution.

Covideo allows you to record, edit and share compelling videos directly from your phone, all in a matter of minutes. Even going beyond simple introduction videos, it’s easy to see how this allows you to quickly adapt to a lot of video marketing trends 2020 as well. You could add videos to marketing campaign emails outlining new deals and promotions that you’re running, creating a video promotion strategy from the ground up. You can even connect Covideo to HubSpot so that you can see your video marketing statistics 2020 and learn more about how your video strategy 2020 is actually performing. It’s so easy to see how much of your video is being watched and what people are responding to and what they aren’t. If you know what is working and, more importantly what isn’t, you can focus all of your efforts on the former and get rid of the latter whenever possible.

Don’t just take our word! Start your video strategy today through Covideo’s 14-day Start a free trial. No credit card required.

When you send your email with Covideo using either the Outlook or Gmail extension, you’ll be able to see WHO watched your video, too. This is crucial as it allows you to uncover insight that would have otherwise gone undiscovered, helping you create your next contacts group for your nurture campaign moving forward.


Tips and Tricks for Your Video Messages

Whether you’re working from an existing video marketing strategy template or are building your own video marketing strategy PDF from the ground up, there are a number of things you’ll want to keep in mind to help create the best possible impression with your target audience.

Be sure you remember the video length best practices 2020, for example, so that your content doesn’t end up overstaying its welcome. Generally speaking, videos should be short, sweet and too the point – so try to keep things under a minute or so. Most people lose concentration after roughly 30 to 60 seconds, so try to keep everything you create within this window.

Likewise, another one of the most important video marketing tips to follow involves really thinking through what you want to say before you hit “Record.” Think of it a bit like a voicemail – you want to make sure you stay concise and on topic and that you don’t waste even a second of someone’s precious time.

Along the same lines, you’ll also want to make an effort to better understand the importance of video marketing within the context of your business. What is video marketing strategy emphasis going to accomplish for your company? What are these videos supposed to help you do? Which types of video marketing will you choose to do that? All of these are important questions that you need to answer before putting together a video marketing strategy PPT of your own.



Likewise, don’t just take a video strategy example you find on the Internet and change the branding around. You can and should personalize every video you send for the best results moving forward. When recording a video, be sure to say your recipient’s name or tailor your message to them. You could even hold up a white board with their name written on it so that they know you’re speaking exclusively to them. This will allow your customer to know that the message is truly unique, which is extremely beneficial for sales and personalized video email marketing in particular.

When ending your video, make sure that you include some type of call to action – another element that should be a staple of your video marketing 2020 strategy. You need to tell your viewer what you want them to do next and now, thanks to Covideo’s clickable calls-to-action, this is easier than ever.

Finally, remember that all conversations are nothing if not a two-way street. Therefore, a great way to make your communication more dynamic is by using Covideo’s “Reply” feature. This lets your recipients respond to you with a video fo their own, even if they don’t have a Covideo account! It’s a great way to increase engagement and can be used throughout the recruiting or admissions processes for college institutions, can be a great way to gather reviews and testimonials for retail businesses, and it can even be used in other industry-specific scenarios like with the trade-in process for auto dealers.


Getting Started

If all of this sounds like exactly what you’ve been looking for, terrific – we’re always happy to help. At this point, you should sign up for your totally free, no obligation trial so that you can see what Covideo can do for your own content strategy moving forward. It’s a solution so powerful you’ll soon begin to wonder how you were ever able to live without it.

Start your new video strategy today and get the responses you deserve with Covideo’s 14-day Start a free trial, no credit card required.

Easy to use. Hard to forget.

The perfect combo. Try today and see.


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