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Calculate your return on investment with Covideo

See the additional revenue you’ll earn by using Covideo to connect with leads using personalized video.

Enter your inbound marketing metrics

Your ROI with Covideo

Your estimated return on investment with Covideo is $ per month, and $ per year. That’s a return of x.

Lead to Appointment – Conversion Rate

Connecting with leads using a personalized video message allows them to put a face to a name, humanizing the sales process from the start. And, since we know customers want to do business with people they know, like and trust, this leads to an immediate increase in lead-to-appointment conversion rate.

Based on your metric provided, we estimate we can improve your lead to appointment rate from % to %.

Increasing your lead to appointment rate will lead to more meetings booked and more closed deals each month.

Inbound Monthly Revenue

Based on the average sales price you input, you will earn an additional $ per month in revenue with Covideo. That’s $ additional revenue per year.

Your estimated cost is $ per month, which means your return on investment is $ per month and $ per year.

How Covideo works

When you humanize your pitch and personalize your message, you’ll be able to start better conversions, create more opportunities, and close more deals. Start capitalizing on your greatest asset and biggest competitive advantage: you!

Ready to start earning additional revenue?

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