How to build a great sales toolkit
Published Date: July 17, 2020

Build a balanced and effective sales toolkit for your team with these tips from our experts. With the right software and processes, your whole team can thrive!
Video is a must-have in your sales toolkit. Video messaging elevates your sales outreach, helping you stand out in the inbox, engage prospects, and drive more conversions. You can communicate more effectively and leave a lasting impression on your audience with a video message.
What is Covideo?
Covideo is the easiest way to record, send, and track video emails. Cut through the noise with the simple solution built for smarter sales outreach. Want to see how it works? Try a 15-minute demo.
We've highlighted some of the best reasons to add Covideo to your sales toolkit below.
Get your foot in the door, faster
Increase response rates
People want to do business with people, not technology. Skip the impersonal interactions by incorporating a personalized video email into your initial outreach for a lasting first impression that resonates.
Keep prospects engaged
Use Covideo’s call-to-action buttons to share content like e-books, whitepapers, case studies, articles, or to invite working prospects to webinars. Helpful resources like these add value and demonstrate the expertise and insights you bring along with your product/service.
Stay on track and on time
Avoid missteps
Carefully scribing an email eats up valuable time and energy. Failing to do so can lead to misunderstandings or even stop a deal dead in its tracks. Tone, inflection, and body language in a video ensures your hard-earned relationships aren’t derailed by miscommunication.
Shorten sales cycles
Delve into product overviews or address complex questions without sending lengthy, confusing emails or waiting weeks to coordinate calendars. Keep the lines of communication open and the timeline on schedule with a video your prospect can watch at their convenience.
Finish strong
Pass the baton
When it’s time to hand off a client from sales to another department, send a Covideo to pass the proverbial baton and introduce your customer to their new best point of contact. A smooth transition and well-tended customer helps to stave off churn and leaves the door open for expansions and upsells.
Offer thanks
“Thank you” videos have some of the highest view rates – everyone likes to be appreciated! Once the sale is closed, send a personalized video email thanking customers for their business and taking the opportunity to ask for reviews and/or referrals.
An intro to your sales toolkit
If you had to make a list of some of the most invaluable resources that small businesses have available to them, a sales toolkit would undoubtedly be right at the top.
But first, let’s address – what is a sales toolkit and what are they most commonly used for? Simply put, a typical marketing or sales toolkit is a term encompassing anything and everything you would need to know about your business’ sales process and how it operates. This includes buyer personas, for example – which are detailed breakdowns of your fictional “ideal customer” so that you have someone to “write for” with the collateral you’re creating. It includes pricing information about your products and services and why these factors are set the way they are. It would include the sales responsibilities of not only departments but various people within those departments. It would include marketing materials like flyers and brochures. The list goes on and on.
Covideo completes any sales toolkit—see for yourself through our free trial.
Oftentimes, sales toolkit examples will break things down based on various departments. One section might cover marketing, another might be sales, and the other still might directly relate to your B2B sales toolkit. All of this is in service of the most important goal of all: making sure that each department within a business has a crystal clear understanding of their role, all so that they can perform their job more effectively and efficiently than ever.
Where to Start
Whether you’re talking about a B2C or B2B sales kit, if you truly want to build one of your own there are a number of important things you’ll need to keep in mind.
First and foremost, you need to come to grips with the idea that there really is no “one size fits all” approach for how to create a sales toolkit. How one business might go about developing a sales toolkit will vary wildly from even their closest competitor, as no two businesses are created in quite the same way.
All of this is to say that while it’s great to get some ideas by looking up common sales toolkit template or sales toolkit PDF examples, you need to look at these for what they really are – a starting point in every sense of the term. Only by looking at your own organization and determining exactly what you need your sales kit design to accomplish will you be able to come up with the sales kit ideas that are right for you.
For the best results, take the time to familiarize yourself as much as possible with your own unique sales techniques and strategies. You know what works for you, and your sales toolkit isn’t supposed to reinvent the wheel – instead, it’s supposed to reinforce what is already there. In fact, we’d even go as far as to say that if you’re new to creating a sales kit, don’t even worry about the sales kit design. The content is what’s most important. If the quality content you need isn’t available, the best design in the world isn’t going to be able to help you.
Start using Covideo’s sales toolkit to create eye-catching video content today! Start a free trial.
Sales Toolkit Software
In general, one of the biggest components of your sales kit will be the sales toolkit software that you choose to use on a regular basis. These days, the process simply isn’t complete without the sales process tools that businesses need to remain on the cutting edge.
Sales software and sales tools for sales reps don’t just make the process easier – they help you eliminate waste from your sales process, all in a way that allows your employees to work smarter, not harder, at the exact same time.
By far, one of the most effective sales tools for B2B and B2C brands, in particular, is Covideo – a solution that was built from the ground up with you in mind. Covideo is one of the rare types of sales tools that can be used throughout ALL phases of the sales cycle. It’s a video messaging tool that allows you to record and send sales videos, all while sharing them via email, text, and more. It’s great for video prospecting, follow-ups, building trust, and connecting face-to-face.
But better yet, it’s built to integrate into the platforms that you’re already working with – making your sales process even more efficient and effective.
Using Video in Your Sales Toolkit
Never forget that video messaging is a great way to get your foot in the door and stand out in someone’s inbox. Using video in sales emails immediately differentiates yours from every other message that a person might receive that day.
It’s also invaluable in that it helps people put a face to a name. Up until now, they may have seen you as little more than a corporate logo. Now, they can hear the tone in your voice when you speak and look into your eyes, and sometimes, that can make all the difference in the world.
Likewise, a sales opportunity tool like Covideo can help build trust, provide a modern sales toolkit to your team, and speed up the sales cycle, both of which are common challenges that salespeople face on a daily basis.
Regardless of the type of business, you’re running or even the industry that you’re operating in, this is the best sales tool and should be included in your kit. There are also sales toolkit software examples out there that can help with more specific goals like lead generation, cold calling videos, prospecting in personal selling, sales follow-up emails, and more.
Request a demo to see Covideo in action!
Sales Manager Toolkit
So again, it’s more than okay to look at sales toolkit examples to get ideas all day long – it’s just that your actual sales kit folder will vary wildly because it should be built with you and your unique goals in mind.
A creative sales kit aimed at a business like a marketing firm, for example, will obviously differ from a more interactive sales kit needed for those in a different profession. The same is true of a sales manager toolkit, which will soon take on a life all its own.
Techniques for Sales Managers
One of the biggest sales management techniques there is involved trying to gain as much insight as possible into your sales team and their processes, for example. Therefore, it stands to reason that actually building the kit would be the responsibility of the sales manager themselves. But they need to do so in a way that supports their existing sales management system. They shouldn’t have to change the way they work to make up for the limitations of their kit. Their sales manager toolkit should be built to empower the way they already like to do things.
Inside a sales kit folder designed specifically for managers, you’d likely find a list of not only techniques, systems, and spreadsheets, but also territory plans and more. In essence, you’d find everything they need to do their jobs – all by way of one collection of sales management PDF documents and similar collateral that is laser-focused on what they’re trying to accomplish. It would be common to see sales management PPT documents, sales territory plan template Excel documents, a sales activity tracking spreadsheet, or two – you name it.
Again, the absolute beauty of a sales kit is that everything is finally included in one place. Not only does it make it easier for someone like a sales manager to do their job, but it’s accessible to literally everyone within an organization. If everyone is clear at all times about exactly what role they’re playing and why it’s so important, it’s easier to keep everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction. At that point, guaranteeing that everyone is following the same, correct process all but becomes a forgone conclusion.
Are there ways to accomplish these goals without this unified sales management system? Of course – but they tend to be equal parts time-consuming and frustrating for most people. But the most critical thing to understand is that you no longer have to rely on these antiquated techniques of the “old school.” You don’t have to give in to inefficient processes that weren’t built with the modern enterprise in mind.
Thanks to the breakneck pace at which modern technology continues to advance, there IS a better way to get things done. Any sample sales kit template can show you just how true this is, literally in a matter of minutes.
Add a New Tool to Your Sales Kit Today
So if you’ve spent time looking up different types of sales toolkits for inspiration and you’re ready to build one of your own, or if you’re looking to enhance your sales process by adding a powerful new tool to your existing sales kit, please don’t delay – contact our team at Covideo.
Not only do we offer a totally free, no-obligation free trial so that you can see what Covideo can do with your own two eyes, but we’re also more than willing to set up a time to meet and strategize to find out how we can really change your process for the better. We’ve been helping organizations build better sales tool kits (and by extension, better sales processes) for many years, and we truly can’t wait for the opportunity to do the exact same thing for you.